Nov 16, 2022

E10 Changeover

You may have heard or seen some recent media coverage on the topic of the standardised rollout of E10 petrol in the UK. You may also not be aware of how this nationwide implementation could affect you and your company’s vehicles.

What is E10 Petrol?

E10 petrol is a biofuel made up of 90% regular unleaded petrol and 10% ethanol created from waste wood, grains and low grade sugars (standard E5 petrol only contains 5% ethanol).

Why Has E10 Been Introduced?

The UK government decided upon the introduction of E10 petrol as part of a wider overall project to reduce carbon emissions within Great Britain by 2050, this goal is referred to as ‘net-zero’.

It’s predicted that through the widespread use of E10, CO2 emissions could be reduced by 750,000 tonnes per year, the equivalent to removing 350,000 cars from the roads!

How Will This Affect My Vehicle?

It’s claimed that around 95% of petrol fuelled vehicles are compatible with E10 fuel and should be able to run normally upon its usage.

Is E10 Fuel More Expensive?

No, E10 fuel is no more costly than the E5 variant it’s replacing, however it may be worth noting that E10 has less energy and will burn faster, resulting in a driver using this type of petrol having to fuel up more frequently.

How To Lower Fuel Costs For Your Business

Through the implementation of intelligent assistive technology such as Telematics you can maximise a vehicle’s fuel efficiency, this can be even more impactful when deployed to a fleet of courier or transportation vehicles.

What Is Telematics?

Telematics technology refers to the use of telecommunications and informatics to monitor an asset, eg. a company vehicle’s location, safety metrics and engine diagnostics in real time. The vehicular application possibilities of Telematics make them a popular choice of fleet managers to analyse, and subsequently optimise fleet productivity.

Telematics systems gather GPS tracking and vehicle specific data to transfer via means including- cellular network, satellite communication, mobile data, and GPRS to a central server. The data collated is then analysed and transcribed into specific metrics for the fleet manager to interpret via our Fleetsmart app or website.

Increase Route Efficiency -

Telematics help optimise operational expenditure by improving efficiency of routing. Superior vehicle tracking leads to improved routing by avoiding congestion/accidents which in turn streamlines journey travel times, ultimately providing better fuel economy by reducing how much fuel is needed for any one journey. The financial positives of improved fuel efficiency are obvious to see, especially in these record breaking times for fuel prices.

Reduces Idling Time -

Idling or idle time refers to the time spent by an employee that is deemed unproductive (this can be due to controllable or uncontrollable circumstances). Excessive idling is a waste of fuel and therefore money, larger vehicles especially are more at risk of fuel wastage.

The implementation of telematics software data collection can increase fleet productivity by giving accurate information on specific times when a vehicle's engine may be on, but not driving. Journey reports enable many fleet managers to observe and streamline excessive idling patterns by better educating their drivers, a major benefit for a business as huge savings could be made.

Save Fuel & Improve Productivity With Fleetsmart

It’s proven that Telematics can help boost productivity, employee efficiency and fleet operations as a whole; all the while reducing idling, hazardous driver behaviour, fuel consumption and vehicle maintenance costs.

Fleetsmart offer a range of the latest Telematics technology at extremely cost effective prices with scalable options starting from just £6.95 per vehicle per month.

With a clear multitude of performance enhancing and money saving reasons to implement telematics to your vehicles, now might be the time to upgrade your fleet.