Nov 14, 2022

How Bad Driving Habits Could Be Costing Your Business Money

The cons to bad driving are serious and varied, and could be costing your business a lot of money, often in ways you wouldn’t identify or expect!

Here at Fleetsmart, we want to inform our customers on the downsides of hazardous driving and the link to excessive financial outgoings, as well as how to succinctly solve the problem.

Results Of Bad Driving Habits

Fuel costs

With the ongoing cost of living crisis in the UK, Ofgem’s second successive record breaking energy price cap, and the worldwide fuel crisis only just beginning to de-escalate, it would not be ideal for any business with multiple mobile assets to be frivolous with fuel.

As well as general poor journey routing from an employee, bad driving habits can needlessly waste excess fuel, every 5mph above a driving speed of 50mph can cost an extra 10% on fuel expenses!

General Safety Issues

The potential catastrophic consequences of bad driving in relation to safety are well known; road collisions or endangering pedestrians can lead to serious injury or in some cases death.

Even in vehicular damage cases, your company vehicle lands you with liability and responsibility, meaning you and your business could be subject to costly legal proceedings, and further financial penalties if the driver in your company’s vehicle is found to be at fault.

Also any potential injury to an employee in your vehicle, even if due to their negligence regarding safety, could further impact your business via a reduced workforce and an increase in insurance premiums.

Maintenance And Repairs

Poor driving habits such as excessive harsh acceleration and breaking, cornering too severely, and driving in the wrong gear, can all take a toll on your mobile assets, a crucial component to your business’ productivity and profitability.

Vehicle maintenance to tires, internal components, or bodywork can all prove expensive in terms of expert labour, even more so if this maintenance is unexpected yet necessary, as your operations will have to be adjusted or even cancelled to compensate.

Poor Brand Reputation

It can be extremely harmful to the reputation and future trade of your business if your trusted employees are seen to be behaving recklessly on the road.

Social media posts, negative reviews and even word of mouth regarding bad driving in a vehicle that carries your company logo and name can be detrimental to your business’ reputation, costing you potential liability fees and future trade.


Vehicle tracking systems or Telematics could be the solution to all of the above -

What is Telematics?

Telematics technology is the use of telecommunications and informatics to monitor an asset, eg. company vehicle’s location, safety metrics and engine diagnostics in real time.

The vehicle applicatory possibilities of Telematics make them a popular choice of fleet managers to analyse, and subsequently optimise fleet productivity.

How Do Telematics Work?

Telematics systems gather GPS tracking and vehicle specific data to transfer via means including- cellular network, satellite communication, mobile data, and GPRS to a central server. The data collated is then analysed and transcribed into specific metrics for the fleet manager to interpret via our Fleetsmart app or website.

Bad Driving Habits

Telematics monitor and record driver usage habits, meaning any repeat or serious misuse of your mobile property will be flagged and generated into a report. This could improve all round safety, vehicle health and business reputation, as well as giving you the confidence your expensive assets are being taken good care of.

Fuel costs

Telematics help streamline operational expenditure by providing optimised routing or alternative routes on the move, reducing a vehicle's fuel consumption for the same journey destination.

Should I Use Telematics?

It’s proven that Telematics can help boost productivity, employee efficiency and fleet operations as a whole; all the while reducing idling, hazardous driver behaviour, fuel consumption and vehicle maintenance costs.

Fleetsmart offer a range of the latest Telematics technology at extremely cost effective prices with scalable options starting from just £6.95 per vehicle per month. With a clear multitude of performance enhancing and money saving reasons to implement telematics to your vehicles, now might be the time to upgrade your fleet.